Transform industrial-scale drying with innovative cleantech solutions
Revolutionise drying efficiency
Traditional industrial drying processes have two things in common: they are not very energy-efficient, nor environmentally friendly. Drying comes with a high energy cost, and fossil-fuel combustion is often used for the energy supply.
Additionally, our innovative approach results in shorter drying times. In malt kilning, for instance, we have seen results where we were able to not only reduce the drying time but also improve product quality. When applying super-heated steam drying to brick manufacturing, we've measured drying times that are 20 to 25% shorter.
Last but definitely not least is our laser-focus on product quality. Central to our cleantech is precision. This leads to accurate homogenous drying and a better, more functional product.
CEE's next-gen drying cleantech
The ingenuity of our disruptive solution lies in three focus areas:
Quality: guaranteed homogenous quality thanks to hyper-precise technology
Energy-efficiency: unprecedented improvement of 20-50% better energy-efficiency
Speed: expedited large-scale production with shorter drying times
Food & Beverages
Improve your product's taste and colour while optimising your overall process performance with our innovative cleantech
Gain peace of mind with safe, hyper-precise control and monitoring while achieving unprecedented energy-efficiency
Achieve peak performance for your industrial drying process with our disruptive cleantech solutions
Raise the bar on innovation
Our cleantech surpasses other continuous drying solutions by offering game-changing innovations across the entire production process:
Achieve accurate and homogenous drying with unparalleled precision
Monitor energy performance - sensors are your gateway to real-time updates on essential process parameters
Reduce energy consumption by improving energy-efficiency
Take it further with smart utility integration: heat-pumps and MVR (mechanical vapor recompression) for instance
Accelerate your drying process with our cleantech's faster drying times, while ensuring steady quality of the product
Browse our cases to discover the versatility of our technology.
CEE in the news
Discover what others have to say about our game-changing technology.