Vandersanden disrupts construction sector with carbon absorbing brick

Vandersanden builds new brick factory in Lanklaar, Belgium, using innovative cleantech designed by CEE.

  • Scale: 200.000 metric tons/year
  • Carbon absorption: 12.000 metric tons CO2 per year
  • Fossil fuel elimination
  • 80 % lower energy demand
  • Energy Recovery

Redefining innovation with disruptive cleantech

Reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions is a top priority for industrial companies looking for ways to comply with sustainability legislation or corporate frameworks like the SBTi. Many energy-intensive and fossil-fuel dependent industries are investigating alternative methods that allow them to transition to net-zero. But why stop there?

Vandersanden, a Belgian brick producer, took it a step further. They enlisted CEE's cleantech expertise to build a new factory that produces a trail-blazing carbon negative brick, called Pirrouet®. By reducing carbon emissions and integrating sustainability into the entire production process, Vandersanden is making significant strides towards achieving at least CO2-neutrality by 2050. 

The ingenuity of this case not only lies in the new approach to fossil-fuel elimination and CO2 reduction. It is a prime example of disruptive innovation and new technology development. Together with CEE, Vandersanden challenged the status quo. A brand-new way of producing bricks emerged, skipping the traditional 'baking' or sintering phase, and inventing another way of achieving the desired result.

CEE's secret weapon for this project? Our patented full-scale-section lab, where we executed extensive pilot-scale tests. By combining our knowledge with the possibilities of our lab and smart simulations we guarantee performance when scaling-up new technology, while simultaneously expediting the realisation. Due to the technical complexity of this turnaround, we facilitated this transition by working with an ESCO contract.

“Vandersanden wants to be completely CO2 neutral by 2050. This CO2-negative facing brick brings that intended reality a whole step closer.”

Rudi Peeters,
CEO of Vandersanden.

A 360° approach to reducing and reusing CO2

Traditional brick production processes rely on drying and high-temperature sintering to solidify the bricks. This is an energy-intensive, fossil-fuel dependent process emitting tons of CO2-emissions. Upon Vandersanden's request, we went back to the drawing board. The result is an entirely new way of producing bricks, thanks to a process that bypasses the need for sintering, and instead relies on innovative drying techniques. By thinking outside the box and re-examining traditional brick production processes, the alternative that emerged tackles GHG emissions from different angles. As a result, the bricks' production process is 100% fossil fuel independent

"Vandersanden has set itself the objective to be fully carbon neutral by 2050. With this CO2-negative façade brick we make a significant step towards this objective” - Rudi Peeters, former CEO of Vandersanden.

Long-term collaboration leads to lasting changes 

CEE has been supporting Vandersanden in their quest for reduced energy consumption and CO2 emissions for almost two decades. Heat recovery and waste heat utilization, generating cold from heat using absorption cooling, super-heated steam drying, making drying more sustainable using heat pumps… a long list of significant steps towards more sustainable processes have been taken, and more are in the pipeline.

A comprehensive approach to innovating industries

Part of our strength lies in our versatility. As your partner, we don't stop at reducing your carbon emissions by optimising your processes energy consumption. Our cleantech lends itself to vertical integration throughout your entire value-chain. We accompany you on your entire innovation journey, from the conceptual phase up until and including maintenance or exploitation once a new project is up and running. As demonstrated in the Vandersanden case, we excel at:

New technology development

Vandersanden had a fantastic idea: to create a carbon negative brick. A truly revolutionary concept that will change the construction materials sector forever. We help our customer to fulfil their mission. Thanks to our full-scale- section lab, we converted their disruptive dream into a full-scale implemented process. 

Key to the complete reversal of dealing with carbon emissions in this process, is the carbonatation room, which absorbs carbon emissions from other sources. We built the pilot-scale carbonatation room that laid the groundwork for the eventual large-scale version.

Reinventing drying technology

Thanks to the reinvention of the process, Vandersanden no longer needs to rely on energy-intensive, inefficient drying. Instead, they now have a new high-precision dryer that delivers a homogenous and precisely dried product, preparing for a high-quality carbonatation in the next phase of the process.

Energy recovery

Partnerships can exist in many forms. With an ESCO contract, we recuperate energy from existing product lines' flue gases. Another way of introducing innovation and sustainability, while alleviating Vandersanden from the burden of execution and associated risks.

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