CEE accelerates Barry Callebaut's global net-zero transition

Improved energy-efficiency and reduced carbon emissions at Barry Callebaut's Banbury plant in the UK:

  • Redesigned heat network

  • Heat pump efficiency x2

  • 60% reduction of carbon emissions

  • The record-breaking success of this project was the turning point for an accelerated net-zero transition for Barry Callebaut worldwide

Reducing chocolate's carbon footprint with smarter heat and cold balancing

For the production of chocolate, heat as well as cooling is required. For heating, hot water is used, traditionally generated by decentralised natural gas-fired steam boilers. For cooling, cold water is used, often supplied through traditional cooling machines. The efficiency of this process can be improved with heat & cold balancing

This is exactly what CEE accomplished for Barry Callebaut in Banbury. First, we redesigned the heat network with improved heat and cold balancing. Next, we installed a production integrated heat pump. By first bringing the temperature levels of cooling and heating closer together, we drastically improved the heat pump's effect. The results? Beyond impressive: 

  • Increased energy-efficiency: the heat pump COP (coefficient of performance) increased from 4 to 8 

  • A 60% carbon emission reduction 

  • Safeguarded thermal processes through adequate heat and cold buffering 

  • Precision control through monitoring 

  • Eliminated ozone impact and 0 Global Warming Potential (GWP) by switching to NH3 as a coolant 


The record-breaking improvement in energy-efficiency, combined with the drastic emission reduction, translate into a pivotal moment for Barry Callebaut. This project serves as an example for their global scope 1 and 2 decarbonisation targets. Its success assured a smooth and accelerated transition to net zero, not only for the Banbury plant, but others too.

CEE helped us from idea to implementation of our first process integrated heat pump. Banbury is our first site to demonstrate that achieving net zero in chocolate industry is possible in a cost-effective way. We are now accelerating the necessary steps to reduce consumption of fossil fuels on several other sites.

Kristof Hubin,
Energy & Environmental Manager, Barry Callebaut Group

Technical details: 

  • Installed cooling capacity of +/- 2,5 MW through an NH3 heat pump, a NHR compressor chiller and adiabatic coolers 
  • Installed heating capacity of +/- 1MW through a NH3 heat pump 
  • Thermally layered buffer capacity with a total volume of 85m³ at various temperatures 
  • Distribution of heat and cold via +/- 1.5 km piping in stainless steel 304L in diameters varying between DN20 and DN200 
  • Full in-house electrical design and programming 

The benefits of process integrated optimisation 

Eliminate fossil fuels 

In the past, industrial organisations often installed steam-powered networks that ran on fossil fuels. This was the traditional way of meeting heat and cold requirements, and not just in the food industry. Increased awareness about the negative climate impact of fossil fuels initiated a global search for alternative production methods. 

The starting point? Smart integration and balancing of heat and cold flows. Utilising electricity powered by renewable energy allows you to eliminate the need for fossil fuels, reduce carbon emissions and meet SBTi targets. 

Improve energy efficiency

After critically examining and redesigning Barry Callebaut's Heat Cold Network, we prepared the site for an energy efficient installing of heat pumps. As a result, we allow a smooth transition to complete process electrification

The key benefit of this approach is an additional reduction of energy costs by 50% on top of the heat pump COP. As a result, even with a significant cost spread between gas and electricity, it is beneficial to switch to electricity with highly efficient heat pumps. Also, the cost of fossil fuels and European Emission Allowances (EUA) will continue to rise. This increases the financial benefit of a heat pump investment. 

For Barry Callebaut, adding the heat pump in their UK project had a payback of 4 years. As a result, they plan to add more heat pump capacity. This will cut almost all CO2 emissions from the UK site by 2025.

Precision control through comprehensive monitoring 

Increase the stability of your production process and achieve optimal energy performance by redesigning your heat network. Ensure stable and safe operation by a targeted Energy Performance Monitoring. An abundance of sensors and pumps insures a high reliability and availability of the hot and cold sources. 

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Ready to go net zero?

Are you a fellow front-runner in the transition to net zero? CEE's own facilities offer the chance to test together with industrial partners. If you want to explore future collaboration options, reach out to learn more! 

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